One-to-one tuition

We provide customised training to staff who don't have time to attend a course and/or have specific tasks they want to tackle in any of the Microsoft Office main packages (Word, Excel, Access, Outlook). If you want to be able to develop your own Word documents, spreadsheets, or even databases, you might prefer to have us guide you through the process and teach you the tricks of the trade so you can go on to use that knowledge on your own without the need for external help.
If you're local to our office in North Dorset we can provide hands-on tuition, but even if you aren't we can provide screen-sharing guidance or even just show you what the right answers look like to help you get to them yourself. Whatever your learning needs, our experts will be able to get you there quickly and without unneeded fuss.
If this sounds like the route you'd like to try, send us a message or give us a call on 01747 822616 for more information.
You can also see our list of other local training providers for the Microsoft suite for more courses, training and help with your Office projects.