Some useful smatterings of information, and some more substantial ones too, to help make your working life easier.
Spring Clean Your Data

It's spring – time to clear out the old and set yourself up for a fresh start. And this applies to your database and spreadsheet systems as surely as to the rest of your business. Whether you work to a financial year or a calendar year, now might be the time to be thinking about archiving your old data.
So what are the advantages of setting up an archive? Well the most noticeable benefit is speed. Systems with less data in them tend to run faster, saving you time throughout the day, every day.
The size of your live file will be reduced, which saves space on the server and in any backups you run. Whilst your archive file should also be backed up, it's not changing on a daily basis so it doesn't necessarily need to backed up every day.
A streamlined system also provides greater clarity. It's much easier to be sure your looking at the right information when there's less to choose from. Similarly, it's easier to pick up mistakes; for example, if you type in last year's date by mistake, it's much more obvious that it's wrong if you know you've archived off everything from last year.
Your archive file will be set up up so that you can easily access the data contained in it, providing a useful reference. For example, any reports that give you end-of-year figures can be reproduced with the same figures as often as necessary, whilst your live file produces the same reports for just the current year's figures, providing useful comparisons.
When setting up an archive routine, we work closely with you to ensure the correct data is archived – you won't end up missing information vital to your business. We can base the split between archived and live data on any combination of key information to ensure you keep everything you need your live file.
Could your system benefit from archiving out old data? Check out this issue's offer for a great deal! |
If you have a camera or a phone with a memory card in it but you don't have the right cable or a suitable card reader on your computer, you can buy a USB adapter stick instead – just plug your card into the USB stick and plug the USB stick into your computer. |
Do you want greater control of your stock? Do you want more information about what you have, and where, in order to streamline your purchasing procedures? Check out our article on Stock Management Systems to get the full picture.
And don't forget about our Gamble-Free Guarantee – we guarantee that we will save you money overall, or we will refund the difference. We'll only recommend a system if it's genuinely the best option for you. |
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It's springtime, a time to clear out the cobwebs and start afresh. And we can help you spring clean your data.
Do you want to archive your old data? Call us on 01747 822616 by 30th June 2011 to discuss the best way to proceed and we will give you 10% off when we set up your archive. Just quote Smatterings11 during the call to be eligible.
Don't know whether archiving your data is sensible for you? Take a look at this article at the beginning of this issue of Smatterings.
(Reasonable terms and conditions apply. Just ask us for details.)
If you know someone else who might benefit from this offer or anything else in Smatterings, please feel free to pass on the information to them. Or give us the necessary details here and we'll send them a link for you.
PS: Don't forget about our referral scheme. Refer someone new to us and choose a crate of beer, bottle of wine or champagne, box of chocolates or £20 cash as a thank you - and they'll get a 10% discount off their first project too! |